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Full Beginner Friendly Workout on the Hyper Pro

Full Beginner Friendly Workout on the Hyper Pro

BY Tifani Esco

PUBLISHED ON Sep, 30, 2024

If you’re looking for a beginner friendly workout for a stronger lower body, then today we’ve got you covered!

Join us for a full workout on the Hyper Pro!

Incline Nordic Curl

The Nordic Curl is an effective movement for strengthening the hamstrings as well as the areas behind the knees.

Working to get stronger here can aid in injury prevention, improve speed and explosiveness and in some case increase mobility!

How to:

  1. Adjust your Hyper Pro to Nordic mode.
  2. Put your feet in between the dual ankle rollers so your feet lay flat against the full sized footplate.
  3. Lean your knees against the premium padding
  4. Bending from knee, lower your body down, making sure to keep your body straight
  5. Fight to control the way down

    Sets & Reps:

    3 x 5 with 30 seconds of rest in between each set.

    Pro Tips:

    • Aim to keep your shoulders in line with your hips to target the hamstrings more.
    • If this movement is too intense, just focus on the eccentric (fighting for control of the way down)
    • Adjust the degree on your Hyper Pro to make this easier or harder:
      • Easy: Use the green knobs to incline the bench to 25-40 degrees. The higher the degree, the easier it is.
      • Harder: Turn it down to flat. To make it even harder, put it on an decline setting

    45 Degree Back Extension

    The 45 degree back extension is one of the best for strengthening the low back, glutes and hamstrings.

    This movement is essential for those who wish to build a stronger back for sports, injury prevention and every day life.

    How to:

    1. Incline your Hyper Pro to 45 degrees using the green knob, then remove the Nordic Pad using the yellow knob.
    2. Adjust the back extension pads using the red knob to your desired height
    3. Make sure the ankle rollers are at a comfortable setting, secure but not too tight!
    4. Start the movement by hinging at the hips and stop once you start to feel a stretch, then come back up. 

      Sets and Reps

      3 sets of 12-15 reps with 1 minute of rest in between.

      Pro Tips:

      • The back extension pads should sit just below the hip line so you can get a full range of motion.
      • Start with just bodyweight and use the handles for assistance if needed.
      • Round shoulders slightly to target the glutes, or keep the back extended to target more of the low back.
      • Add difficulty by taking less rest time between sets or adding weight to the movement.

      GHD Sit-Ups

      Now that we have worked the glutes, hamstrings and lower back we will work on the front of the body. This is important because you never want to neglect one side of the body. This sets you up for imbalances later down the line.

      How to:

      1. Set your Hyper Pro to GHD mode by first inclining the front with green knob then the back by using purple footplate knob. Once you hear the back of the machine click into place, you will then use the blue knob on side to get to GHD mode.
      2. Attach your GHD attachment into the main frame.
      3. Fold out the step-up pegs for easier entry into the machine.

        Sets & Reps

        3 sets of 5-8 reps

        Too intense? You can also do decline sit-ups on the Hyper Pro as a regression for GHD Sit-ups.

        How to:

        1. From GHD mode, you would just use the green knob to bring the angle down to a decline. The more of a decline, the harder it will be.

          Pro Tips:

          • Lower the height of the GHD mode on the Hyper Pro using the green knob and the blue knob. The lower the Hyper, the easier the movement will be.
          • Putting your hands by your side makes the movement feel easier.
          • Do decline sit-ups as shown above instead of GHD sit-ups if you feel you are not ready for them yet.

          Leg Extension

          To finish off the workout we are going to use the Leg Developer to train the quads and hamstrings.

          Leg Extensions are to build stronger quads for increased strength, speed, and protection of the knee.

          How to:

          1. Attach your Leg Developer to the Hyper Pro (takes just 5 seconds!)
          2. Adjust for your height

            Sets & Reps:

            3 sets of 20 reps with 30 seconds of rest in between each set.

            Pro Tips:

            • You can target different parts of your quads by pointing your toes slightly out or keeping them held straight.
            • The long handles for the Leg Developer work to add stability during the movement.

            Hamstring Curl:

            Nordic curls can be intense if you are new to the movement.

            Adding the hamstring curl to the end of the workout will increase blood flow to the area for quicker recovery for the hamstrings.

            Sets & Reps:

            3 sets of 20 reps with around 30 seconds of rest in between each set.

            Pro Tips:

            • Replicate the feeling of a hamstring curl machine by slightly inclining the machine to 20 degrees with the back all the way down.
            • The ankle roller should sit just above your heel, not directly on your heel or too high on your calf.


            Quick Reference of Full Workout

            A. Nordic Curls 3 x 5

            B. 45 Degree Back Extension 3 x 12-15

            C. GHD Sit-Ups or Decline Sit-ups

            D. Hamstring Curls 3 x 20

            E. Leg Extensions 3 x 20

            Hyper Pro 9-in-1 Machine For Full Body Training

            This isn’t everything that’s possible with the Hyper Pro!

            There are 20+ movements that can you can do with this one machine.

            With the Hyper Pro you get 9 machines-in-one for your home gym. A space saving option that only takes up 2 x 3 feet of space when in vertical storage mode!

            If you’re ready to upgrade your home gym with the Hyper Pro, click HERE to get up to $300 off!

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